Poet Raúl Sánchez
in the news
Below are articles, features and links to other projects Raúl Sánchez is currently, or has been involved with. Check out one, two, or all of them. Pictures of Poets is one of his favorites. There, you can even listen to him read his words.
Pictures of Poets
This is a must-see website! www.picturesofpoets.com/Poets/raul-sanchez/ to see beautiful black and white photography of Dean Davis and listen to Poet, Raúl Sánchez read some of his poetry on the Pictures of Poets website.
Poetry in the Park’: Bringing community together
This article was published in University of Washington's The Daily.
All our Brown-Skinned Angels
Read this awesome article about Raúl Sánchez's book, All our Brown-Skinned Angels by Karelys Beltran on DENIZEN.com
A poet laureate offers human connection — and free poems — with his home Poetry Pole.
A poet's gift to his Lake City neighborhood
Meet Raúl Sánchez, Redmond’s poet laureate, whose new opera takes on Montezuma and Cortés